C H O R E O G R A P H I C _ P R O D U C T I O N
e s t o n i a _ f r a n c e _ g e r m a n y _ p o r t u g a l _ r o m a n i a _ s e r b i a _ t u r k e y

The LOOPING project ends in fall 2010. We are off to new adventures !

April 30, 2010

Ana Catalina Gubandru (RO)

I don't know, I've never been here before

concept and interpretation... Ana Catalina Gubandru
artistic advisor... Geneviève Vincent
duration... 30 min.

The idea behind this creation comes from the expression « mind the gap » (message heard in the British underground). Ana Catalina Gubandru seeks to question the notion of space, of space between : the gap between people, between the artist and his public, the space between anything and anything else. How can movement fill or on the contrary deepen this space, how can it be measured ?