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In October 2008, the LOOPING projects, registered by Uzès danse, was selected by the European Commission within the framework of its Culture 2007-2013 program, a program which funds cultural cooperation initiatives.This project was designed in collaboration with two co-organizers: the TanzWerkstatt Berlin and the O Espaço do Tempo à Montemor-o-Novo from Portugal, who contribute to project funding, and a partner, the Kanuti Gildi SAAL from Estonia, whose premises are available for residences.
LOOPING has a two-year objective of supporting creations by twelve emerging choreographers, from six different countries: France, Germany, Portugal, Estonia, Romania and Turkey, by working with them throughout the creative process, from research on to production of the work, and beyond, to its diffusion. Technical, financial and administrative resources are provided to the selected choreographers to enable them to create a short, 30-minute work.
Cycles of residences are organized in each of the six partner countries, to enable the artists to work on their creations, with support and feedback from dramatists and playwrights (philosophers, university professors, artists, theoreticians …) who will bring their opinion to bear on the work, providing an objective gaze, criticism and training.
At the same time, young production administrators will be trained, in order to ensure structural aspects to develop alongside the young choreographers.
The works created will be performed during the seasons and festivals organized by the three partner structures.