Sound Composition & Installation | Tilted Fawn | Melanie Lane (D)
CLARK, born in London, has worked with music and sound for over 10 years. He records for the label Warp (UK), for whom he has released 5 albums and 6 e.p.'s. His records are released with international success and his live sets have toured throughout Europe, Asia, Australia and the United States. His work with LOOPING choreographer Melanie Lane (D) started last year with a score for HELD.
Whilst his work for Melanie Lane is traceable back to the artist who has contributed this body of work music for Warp, the music created for HELD and LOOPING production TILTED FAWN simultaneously offers a radical departure, and a new fresh sense of space.
It is a bold, uncompromising and radical departure from his usual “known” work, and represents the first in a series of liberated, fully committed sonic explorations into the world of performance art.