C H O R E O G R A P H I C _ P R O D U C T I O N
e s t o n i a _ f r a n c e _ g e r m a n y _ p o r t u g a l _ r o m a n i a _ s e r b i a _ t u r k e y

The LOOPING project ends in fall 2010. We are off to new adventures !

June 4, 2010

Victor Hugo Pontes

Born in 1978 in Guimarães, Portugal. BA in Fine Arts & Painting by Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto (Oporto University, Fine Arts School). Norwich School of Arts & Design in Norwich, UK, 2001. Drama courses at Balleteatro Escola Profissional and Teatro Universitário do Porto. Choreographical Research and Creation course at Forum Dança, Lisbon, 2003. Theatre Direction course, directed by Third Angel at Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon, 2004. “Projet Thierry Salmon” La Nouvelle École des Maîtres, directed by Pippo Delbono, Belgium and Italy, 2006.

As a performer, worked with Moncho Rodriguez, Joclécio Azevedo, João Garcia Miguel, Nuno Carinhas, João Paulo Costa, Ana Luísa Guimarães, Lígia Pape, Jack Souvant, Isabel Barros, Mário Afonso, Alberto Magno, Elisabete Magalhães, Mathilde Monnier, Clara Andermatt, Charlie Degot, Vera Santos, among others.

As a director and choreographer, created Puzzle (Festival da Fábrica / 2003), Voz Off - «Voice Off» (NEC – Quadros de Dança / 2003), Laboratório - «Laboratory» (Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian / 2005), 100 Palavras - «100 Words» (co-created with Wilma Moutinho, NEC – Inter.faces / 2005), Ícones - «Icons» (2006), Voyeur (NEC – Quadros de Dança / 2006), Fotomontagem - «Photomontage» (NEC / 2006), Ensaio - «Rehearsal» (Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian / 2007), Manual de Instruções - «Instructions Manual» (CCVF / NEC / O Espaço do Tempo / 2009) e Vice-Versa (Teatro Maria Matos / CCVF / Teatro Viriato / Teatro do Campo Alegre / NEC / 2010).  

As assistant director, worked with Nuno Cardoso in: Woyzeck, by Georg Buchner (2005); Plasticina, by Vassili Sigarev (2006), Platónov, by Anton Tchékhov (2008), all produced by Teatro Nacional S. João (Oporto National Theatre); Richard II e R2, by William Shakespeare, produced by Teatro Nacional D. Maria II (Lisbon National Theatre / 2007); The Good Person of Szechuan, by Bertolt Brecht, produced by Centro Dramático Galego / Spain / 2008; Menagerie du Verre, by Tennessee Williams, produced by Ao Cabo Teatro / 2009.  

Since 2005 works as set up designer for the pop/rock music band Clã. In 2008 directed, with Helder Gonçalves, the videoclip Amuo, for the same band, and in 2009 directed the concert/show Barbie Suzie Dolly Polly Pocket, at Teatro Nacional S. João.  

Since 2003 is regular teacher at the Theatre and Dance Graduation Course, Balleteatro Escola Profissional (Porto). Between 2003 and 2006 was selected as «Young Talent» in Portugal, at the contest Jovens Criadores («Young Artists»). In 2005 represented Portugal at Repérages – Rencontres Internationales de la Jeune Choréographie, Lille, France. In 2007 was awarded the first prize, with the dance piece Ícones - «Icons», by No Ballet – 2nd International Choreography Competition Ludwigshafen, Germany. In 2008 represented Portugal at the Europe and Mediterranean Young Artists Bienal, Bari, Italy. Recently integrates the cast of L'Européene, written and directed by David Lescot, and produced by Théâtre de La Ville (Paris) / Napoli Teatro Festival (Naples). Simultaneously, was selected by Intradance Project to direct the Russian company Liquid Theatre, in a show presented in May 2010, in Moscow, called Far Away From Here. Selected LOOPING Choreographer 2010, creating "Rendez-vous".
